Dr Kathleen Moroney

Dr Kathleen Moroney gained her doctorate in 2017.

STILLNESS IN MOTION An Interdisciplinary Study of Movement in Time and Space Through Ceramics and Dance

What changes when I explore the concept of ‘stillness’ as a component of movement in time, by transitioning for a brief while from ceramic practitioner to dance practitioner?……Everything.

This research path investigates the physical processing of movement in ‘time and space’, as an exploratory tool to facilitate and challange the perception and interpretation of concepts, and the translation of ideas into form and space. The route this research takes is interdisciplinary in nature, and includes ongoing practical exploration in select areas of dance.

Kathleen Moroney’s research investigates stillness as movement in time and space explored and exploited through an interdisciplinary study of ceramics and dance. Exercises consistent with Butoh, a Japanese dance form, are employed as an exploratory tool to facilitate a broader interpretation of stillness as motion through a corporeal processing of concepts such as time and space. This study maps a path to practice that involves the constructing of a material bridge that links two disciplines, ceramics and dance, through similarities and varying approaches to a shared area of concern: movement in time and space.

Kathleen’s research contributes to the discourse on interdisciplinary practice, specifically relating to ceramics and dance. It provides a transferable model of research that merges two fields of practice, broadening and intensifying the experience of learning through a combined kinesthetic, visual and cognitive approach.

kathleen M research


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